How does RFID Technology Apply to Smart Packaging?

With the advent of the Internet of Things era and the upgrading of social consumption, it is inevitable for some packaging fields to upgrade from traditional packaging to smart packaging. The importance of commodity packaging is self-evident! In the past, packaging often focused on appearance. However, with the popularity of the Internet and smart terminals, brand owners have gradually realized the importance of packaging as a link between brands and customers. The interactive informationization of packaging has become a new trend, and packaging has gradually become a new Internet access.

The one-dimensional barcode, which should be regarded as the earliest and most widely used smart packaging, is also the smart packaging that we have the most daily contact with. It is now widely used in food, medicine and other retail products, and people can hardly live without it.

Subsequently, the two-dimensional (2D) code was born and gradually became another technology widely used in intelligent packaging. Compared with the 1D barcode, the 2D code has greater information capacity and anti-counterfeiting. Users only need to scan the QR code on the package through an ordinary smart phone, and can quickly obtain relevant information about the brand, participate in activities, after-sales service, etc. With its large information capacity, low production cost, and quick and convenient use, the two-dimensional code technology has also been recognized by the market and widely used.


Interest in interactive packaging has been reignited as the number of people with connected devices around the world continues to grow and technology advances in connecting packaging to the online world. Brands can be virtually connected to packaging in a variety of ways, including QR codes and other graphic indicia, near field communication (NFC), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Bluetooth and augmented reality (AR). NFC and RFID rely on the global uniqueness of their chips, and they are used in more and more applications, such as anti-counterfeiting, traceability, anti- tampering, inventory and so on.

As early as the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the Chinese government began to try to strengthen the supervision of drugs and food. Since then, it has promoted the use of RFID electronic tags in my country and brought more application projects to logistics, packaging, retail, manufacturing and other industries. Now, intelligent packaging has begun to extend the packaging communication function. Using RFID and NFC technology, the packaging can “open” to tell us where they have been, where they are, what is inside, whether they are authentic, and whether they have been opened and so on. In addition, from the perspective of user experience, smart packaging is increasingly emphasizing interaction. The brand owners use AR story scenes, Lucky draws, Invite friends to play games and other digital marketing methods carried on smart packaging to enhance fun, realize personalized marketing to target users, which will help promote products and brands.

As an important part of smart packaging, RFID tags, that is, radio frequency identification technology, use radio frequency to read and write to the recording media to achieve the purpose of identifying the target and data exchange. UHF RFID tags have the advantages of applicability, efficiency, uniqueness, and simplicity. Among them, each RFID tag is unique, you can clearly know the production, circulation and other information of products through the RFID tags. Packaging with identity has become the most important interaction channel between enterprises and users. Smart RFID labels have been considered as one of the most promising information technology in the 21st century.


In addition, according to specific needs, smart packaging can also introduce labels with diagnostic or detection functions, such as time-temperature indicator tags, freshness indicator tags, oxygen indicator labels, carbon dioxide indicator labels, packaging leakage labels, pathogenic bacteria indicator labels , etc.

High-quality chips and RFID inlays with all kinds of digital information and functions. Selecting a suitable material for converting can make it possible for the digital functions to play the role of RFID tags under different temperature conditions and different application scenarios. XGSun has been developing and producing RFID tags for 14 years. The annual production capacity of tags can reach 1.2 billion pieces, and the qualified rate of finished products is greater than 99.9%. If necessary, please contact us as soon as possible!


Post time: Jan-10-2023