How RFID Technology can make a Big Difference in School Asset Management?

The school’s fixed assets include office supplies, teaching equipment, laboratory instruments, books and documents, computers in the computer room, etc., with a large number of diverse types, the use of the department is more dispersed, more difficult to control. In the past, due to the large number of management documents and heavy inventory work of fixed assets, which also required a lot of manpower and material resources, the historical operation and asset statistics of fixed assets were extremely difficult, resulting in asset loss and repeated asset purchases. Using RFID technology to manage school fixed assets, including asset addition, allocation, idle, scrapping, maintenance, inventory and other operations, and comprehensive information management and control of the whole process from investment to scrapping and exiting use.


RFID technology has greatly improved the management of fixed assets. When the equipment is purchased, the RFID electronic tag identity is bound to the asset, and the barcode number, name, equipment type, user department, purchase date, price, etc. of the asset are written in the RIFD electronic label. So as to carry out life cycle management and control of information on fixed assets. RFID technology provides an advanced, reliable and applicable digital platform for automatic asset identification and intelligent management.

Advantages of RFID technology in school fixed asset management:

1. Timely information on assets: For each asset, you can keep abreast of the total quantity, location, usage status, user, depreciation amount and other information.

2. Assets can be traced: When the assets are applied for, borrowed, allocated, repaired, etc., the corresponding operation records will be generated and given to the asset manager for approval, so that assets can be operated in a timely manner and traced.

3. Providing a variety of safety management methods:

• Password management function: maintain account number and password;

•Permissions control function: users are divided into different levels to determine the user’s rights to use the system, and different operations are determined according to different rights.

4. Batch inventory: Since UHF RFID tags has a long reading distance and can be read in groups, it can realize batch inventory of fixed assets. During the inventory, the handheld data collection terminal or the fixed data collection terminal, combined with the background RFID asset management system, can complete the daily management and inventory of assets, thus efficiently realizing the whole process of tracking the life cycle and use status of assets, improving the efficiency of asset use and realizing asset information management.

5. Anti-transfer and anti-loss of important assets: use RFID technology to install RFID labels  for school fixed assets, install RFID identification equipment at entrances and exits and inside the school, combined with the real-time monitoring platform of RFID asset management system, you can monitor the use and flow of assets in real time, such as: real-time query of the location of equipment, equipment mobile tracking records, equipment away from the corresponding area alarm, etc.

6. System maintenance function: the system administrator can add, modify and delete the asset classification code table, exit mode code table, acquisition mode code table, storage place code table, department code table, custodian table, unit name table, etc. And can freely set the operation authority of each subordinate operator on the function.

Bind each managed asset with identity information through RFID tags, manage and control the entire life cycle from asset purchase to use, solve the problem of asset management, realize the sharing of information resources, and give full play to the use value. XGSun is a RFID tags  manufacturers and suppliers, and we has been providing world-class RFID tags  and high quality after-sales service to our customers with professional technical team, high quality service and favorable price. If you are looking for RFID tags, we will be a good choice for you!

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Post time: Dec-30-2022